Tinus Story
As I sit here this morning, gazing at the beauty of nature around me, I realize that the Grace of God has given me a pair of eyes to behold, ears to listen, a mind to take it in and calculate all into perspective of the origin of it all. It reminds me that John in Revelation saw the 4 creatures that surrounds the throne if God, saying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty! The Earth is full of His Glory! Looking at circumstances, trends, lifestyles etc. It is absolutely necessary that I put that in my daily view, and meditate on that fact, no matter the circumstances God has not changed, He has not changed His mind about His promises to those who believe! It is essential that as I dwell on His promises that I allow them to take over my worldview, and not be led by all the worldly hype for violence, the disregard for men’s lives, and the total disrespect for authority!
It is therefore that I can only thank Him for having called me into service as a missionary 35 years ago! What a journey, what joy to bring truth into brokenness and see life make a difference. What great pleasure to hand some food to hungry children, and adults and experience their joy. In cold winter’s to be able to give something warm, and even a blanket, Knowing that if it was not that Father God has placed His tender heart within me, I could never have kept up with the Missions Ablaze Vision for the past 23 years. Has He not placed a helpmeet at my side 53 years ago and gave her the same heart. Has He not through the years kept a steady number of like-minded men and women to see and help carry the vision!
God is awesome, all He asks is a willing heart, He will supply whatever it takes to execute the mandate He has required of us! Has He not said ” Go ye into all the world and make disciples” as well as ” you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you SHALL be My witnesses” I could never live minding my own business, as long as these instructions stares me in the eye, so Father allow me to always see on a daily basis where I can add value to one of your creations.
please – need an application form, not sure how to get it from the website
What a beautiful peace of advice from a lovely man of God.
God bless ,His way not my own.
Brother Tinus. You probably don’t remember me, but I visited your great ministry with Mark Van Deman about 10-12 years ago. We’re from indianapolis, Indiana, USA. I just read where your wife went to be with the Lord. I am sooo very sorry for your loss. But…at least we know where she is!! PRAISE GOD!! You & your beautiful wife made an indelible impression on me! To this day, I’m still dumbfounded by your love for God & His people & the work ethic you projected. I remember your wife being kind & generous with such a sweet spirit. You were truly blessed my brother!! My prayers are with you. Somehow I KNOW God is giving you a peace that passeth all understanding. I love you great man of God.
J Laverne Tyson
Dear sir
My Name is Nancy, I met you and your team many years ago in Blackburn Village, it was a honour and a blessing to meet you all @ Word center ministries , I no longer stay in Blackburn I am now living in Cornubia .Thank you for being a blessing in so many peoples lives, and changing many lives as well .. God Bless